Year Twenty Nine

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A Day In: Frankfurt

In May, we made a day trip to Frankfurt! 

About ten days after our move to Germany (safe! healthy!) shelter in place measures were enacted amid COVID-19 (the act of moving amid a global pandemic deserves a post ALL its own) so we were elated(!) to be able to begin exploring our new country. Finally.

And, because my mom is reading this (and freaking out) - we wore masks and practiced social distancing in compliance with state regulations.

On foot pushing our double jogger, we set off for a gorgeous day in the city. 

Points of Interest:





Eschenheimer Turm



Eiserner Steg

Food we loved!

Einstein Kaffee: situated steps from where we parked our car, and the first stop because, caffeine. Grabbed a chia seed pudding on a snack whim and now need to recreate at home

Hagen Daas: we mapped to this address for an ice cream spot we found in 36 Hours to find it was no longer there (Australian Homemade, where are you?) and bellied right up to the counter for a cold treat because, ice cream.

Dauth-Schneider: Sit on the patio for a glass of Ebbelwoi (apfelwein). Bonus points if your offspring are asleep and you can have an entire conversation with your spouse.

Zum Standesaemtche: Get the Grüne Sobe (green sauce). Stay for the crispy potatoes.

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