Turns You Lights Down, Low

Candlelight Yoga evokes ideas of a serene practice, replete with savasana, and more savasana. With candles. Assumptions are the devil.

Once you cross the threshold at Joy of Yoga your shoulders relax.  The space is decorated in soft tones and the candles -- they were mesmerizing, lining every wall and the sole illumination for the space. 

Joy, the instructor was warm, joking that my thoughts of an "easy practice" were in fact, incorrect, and I was going to get my ass kicked, for the second time yesterday.  Fair enough.

Class toed the line of stretching past all my soreness, being still with my breath (so hard for me!), and trying asanas I hadn't in years. It was precisely what I needed.  

What I did not need was to wear my same gym top from that morning, because I was definitely the smelly kid. Noted, pack two gym tops.

Class Pass(es) for the day? Two. I'd call that solid win. Bonus -- I slept like a baby.

When was the last time YOU did yoga?  Before yesterday, it'd been weeks, and before that, months. I definitely need a more set yoga routine.

What is YOUR  favorite type of yoga? I love hot/bikram .

Email me   

Boom! Zap! Yowza!


This Class Is Brought To You By LUNGES, And My Many Alias