Boom! Zap! Yowza!

Woke up when my alarm went off. The first time.

I know, who am I?!

Morning pre-work sweat session -- Long and Lean class at Sweat St. Louis.

Class is a mix of Boxing and TRX with solid dance music (key to a good workout) and a attentive instructor. This was my second time boxing, which basically meant I had no clue what I was doing. Thankfully the instructor showed me how to do each move, pointing out I punch with my knuckles and not with a flat wrist (which makes your knuckles bleed, besides being incorrect form). I'd just gotten a manicure and like fully functioning wrists, so I heeded his advice and got my life together. 

The TRX portion was my favorite -- push ups, squats and the like. Those bands make all the difference and I love them so.

After class I left in such a haste I forgot to see if they had a locker room/shower (my brain doesn't function fully at those hours), so I do what any creature of habit does -- woke up my mom to let me shower at her house.  Which, I realize now, was the opposite direction of where I needed to be, I have a friends keys who lives literally down the street from the gym, and, my house was on the way to work and another more logical choice.  Whatever.

After I used all her hot water I helped myself to this body jelly, its amazing and I really wanted to keep it.

Then raided her kitchen for snacks. These will do just fine...

Who wants to box? I've got a newly improved uppercut I want to put to good use.  

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Turns You Lights Down, Low