This Class Is Brought To You By LUNGES, And My Many Alias

Nary a moment passed between receiving my Class Pass yesterday (happy dance!) and my subsequent flurry to download their app and scroll through classes (you can browse/schedule via the app or online) with my eyes wide as saucers. There is so much to choose from.  No, really. So much. Then I saw it -- the class I've been eyeing like a pair of Louboutins on sale, Shred 415

If there were a contest for speed of class sign up, I'd win the gold. (waves lovingly from Olympic podium)

Later yesterday I received an email reminder about class (genius) detailing what to bring, address/phone number, and how early to arrive. Two very cool OCD points for you Class Pass :) Because I live life la vida loca, I rolled into bed around 11p, and my alarm was set for -- 4:30a. Not my brightest life choice.  Best believe I shot out of bed, on time, much to the surprise of my husband who dances to the tune of my snooze button symphony everyday, packed my clothes, let out the hounds, who were less than pleased I woke them, grabbed the rest of my things and was out the door.

Arrived with enough time to completely embarrass myself by giving my maiden name and realizing there was no one on the list by that name. Cue panic and the slowest wheels of my brain to churn... Oh yeah, I just got married and have a new name.  Beavis. 

The studio is pristine and efficient -- the entry holds a pro shop with everything from apparel, water bottles, and beverages (water, sports drinks). As you walk to the locker room, there is an area for coats and whatnot, and even super cool looking daycare (insert my imaginary baby, here). 

The gym itself is what fitness dreams are made of: mirrors adorn two long walls, strength training equipment -- free weights, bosu, oh my, and (clutching my pearls and speaking in a hushed whisper) Woodway Treadmills. I've reached the mother ship. My instructor Ann pointed out everything and gave me a station, and said if I needed weights heavier than 15lbs to let her know and she'd grab them.  My face read a mix between fear and horror when she kindly followed up with, "you never know, you may surprise yourself". 

Class was broken into six 10 minute segments that alternate strength training and the treadmill, where I began.  The first rotation went off swimmingly, and I reached the cusp everyone (no? just me?) trying a new class can attest to -- slight, ever so subtle cockiness. Then I got my ass handed to me. I've never done so many lunges, in my thirty two years of life, and lunges on the treadmill? I thought that was an urban legend. 

Sixty minutes flew (with not even a clock glance!), and by the end I was sprinting at speeds pre stress fracture and using the ten pound weights like they were soup cans. 

Surprised is my new middle name.

Post class I hit the locker room to get ready for work. Again, efficiency is on point.  There are two showers with shampoo, conditioner and body wash, a vanity area with everything I forgot to pack in my haste this morning -- lotion, qtips, dry shampoo, mouthwash.  Oh, and (bath) TOWELS. They had me at hello. 

Sufficed to say, Shred 415 is a legit workout with dance worthy tunes, content that kept me and my body guessing, helped me to push myself at all the right times (hey 9:00 sprints, I missed you) and -- TOWELS. 

Ann, I may just try those fifteen pound free weights next class...

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Turns You Lights Down, Low


Welcome to the Show Me State, Now (Class)Pass the Happy