Year Twenty Nine

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Photo Diary: Little Black Dress

Once upon a time, a runner signed for a race, and her friends turned it into an EPIC Bachelorette weekend full of all her favorite things.

To find out these ladies signed up to run the race was a treat in itself, then they went and outdid themselves and blew me away with love and laughter. 

Super excited my (soon-to-be) last name is also a super yummy bottle of bubbles. No relation. That I'm aware of. 

Note to self: See if in fact they are on the same family tree....

I digress. 

Bought a bottle of champs, because hello, my name is Marcia and everyday is a celebration. 


My friend Ginger says so and she's five days older and wiser than I :)

Angie and I took on the task of  making boozy gummies via Pinterest. Hers (whipped vodka) turned out way better than mine...

Placed and promptly returned my first Rent the Runway (note: short gals can't rock jumpsuits, ever). Then launched into an epic meltdown of "we leave tomorrow and I have nothing to wear."

Thank heavens for Angie and her closet to the rescue!

The weekend was finally here!

But first, coffee.

Which came in handy because, holy-effing-traffic. 

Made it into the city with juuust enough time to pick up our packets, check into our hotel and freshen up for the evening. 

Dinner at BlackFinn Ameripub, where I went all carb monster and ordered mac-n-cheese for the table to share, then took the plate to my face solo. In addition to my dinner. 

What?! Carb loading is real.

Next up, Nick and Knight concert at the House of Blues

Fact: I LOVE the Backstreet Boys, have since 9th grade, and will -- forever and ever, Amen.

Arm party

I feel so cool saying that, "arm party." 

Man I'm getting old...

The concert brought back the 90's in the most" oh-my-god-remember-this-song-it-was-my-jam" spontaneous dance party kinda way. 

Back at the hotel we charged our gear and went to bed. 

Cuz, oh yeah, we had a race the next morning and wake up call was -- 5 a.m. Yep.

Amie and I ran the half, veil included.  Angie and Maryann did the 5k and batted not an eye as we fumbled in the darkness to get ready because they got to sleep in an extra hour. 


Did I mention they also had tech shirts made for the race?!

They were perfect.

Guns went off and the race began -- Amie and I sticking together for the first five miles (the longest we have ran in a race together). The course was nice, similar to Zooma last year (which gave Amie PTSD flashbacks), but less congested in the park (to me), giant signs and volunteers along the way really helped so you didn't get turned around. Which happened to some poor girl last year, at Zooma.

I digress.

No race revelations, other than revelling in the course along the river, noting my playlist was on point, and that, despite my underwhelming training efforts, today was not the day to PR.

C'est la Vie.

Crossed the finish line 2:25:55, and reached for a glass of bubbly (race results, HERE).

My kind of race.

Women  DO Rock.

Being greeted (and given your medal) by this guy(s) at the finish.  

Hello gorgeous...

Impromptu photo shoot, don't mind if I do.

Yes, they were that (if not more) gorgeous (with sweet personalities too boot!) in person.

They can pick me up, anytime...

Finisher medal is actually a necklace, and you got a calendar -- which I plan to hang, with glee.

Abs for daaays.

Famished was the word of the hour, so we walked back to the hotel restaurant  Perennial Virant and had brunch outside on the patio.

French Toast with mascerated peaches (and a side of bacon, duh) -- my gawd.

Spent the afternoon shopping on Michigan Avenue, got in a nap, and before we knew it, it was time to PARTY! 

Bubbly popped and poured into ADORABLE custom glasses with my favorite quote.

Dinner at the Kit Kat Lounge 

Complete with a FIERCE drag show. 

And goodie bags

Swag for days. 

Cocktails. And shots.

Food. So much food. 

Chicken and waffles for the first time -- it was yummy!

Beer Pong at Mothers Too

A slightly tipsy lady (read: wasted) insisted on taking about 15 blurry/dark photos for us.  

Her heart was totally in the right place.

Dancing at Bootleggers and rounding out the night at She-nnanigans House of Beer.  

We walked and used Lyft the whole trip which was super handy. And cheaper than a cab. 

Once we settled into our pjs, we ordered pizza. 


Brunch at Knife and Tine the next morning was perfect. Great food, mimosas and coffee. 

It goes without saying it was a weekend we'll never forget. 

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for wonderful friends.

-the future Mrs. Piper

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