Monday Musings

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  1. Q&A with Amy Poehler
  2. On choosing your battles -- totally see myself doing something like this Mark, so be warned
  3. This looks like a giant hot mess and I cannot wait to watch it!
  4. Experiencing Trader Joes for the first time -- never knew about returns, which rocks! 
  5. Lessons learned from being a dog mom -- totally cried when I read this, 100% true!
  6. On a father's responsibility -- so touching
  7. When (and why) to pass up a good deal, cuz if its too good to be true...
  8. Amazon is using, taxis for faster delivery?!
  9. This one goes out to all the nacho lovers.
  10. Thanksgiving etiquette

What are you musing about this Monday?

Email me


Fall TV; the good, (so) bad, and the just plain hysterical


Photo Diary: Little Black Dress