Monday Musings

- So that's the difference!
- Friends, as a first time mom.
- There is nothing like eating piping hot french fries straight from the bag.
- Call me crazy, but I just want my coffee. It's a cup people!
- RIP, unlimited classes...
- (Im)patiently waiting for the new season of this show.
- {podcast} The art of nurturing boys. So telling. So helpful.
- Dinner, with my husband -- here. Pretty please.
- Say it ain't so! I got my wedding dress from there and it was, perfection.
- Love the design and concept behind these micro apartments.
Also, Laurie's TANGO!!!
Currently... had an Rx bar (not bad!), survived a business trip/night away from Owen, DIY'ing the cutest tees in giddy excitement for the GG revival, prepping for another round of Tracy Anderson 30 day Method (wanna join me?) and repeating this quote over and over again in my head: "Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."