Working on My Fitness: September
Slightly less than half of the month, but I am still active so that is all that counts. I typed the previous sentence more for myself, is it just me, or is giving yourself grace the hardest?!
Moving on, AM Yoga is a really great way to start the day. Plus, it is gentle yet challenging enough to keep my ever changing body guessing.
2 Rest
3 Rest
4 AM Yoga
5 Rest
6 Rest
7 Rest
8 Rest
9 Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project (month two) I really need to do this more often...
10 AM Yoga
11 Body Pump
12 Yoga (slow flow)-- give me all the hip openers...
13 Walk
14 Speed Play
15 Rest
16 Rest
17 Rest
18 Rest
19 Yoga (slow flow)
20 Surf/TRX/Battle Ropes
21 Speed Play
22 Rest
23 Rest
24 Rest
25 AM Yoga
26 Rest
27 Rest
28 Speed Play
29 Rest
30 Rest