Photo Diary: Small Town Fourth (of July)

After a glorious evening home alone, wherein I cleaned, baked, and packed at my leisure the next morning came with an all girls road trip, replete with dance music (much to our mothers chagrin), and an obligatory coffee stop. Bonus, the Starbucks was newly open and their computers were wonky, so we got our drinks free!

If you have never experienced a small town holiday , you must. Reminiscent of a big outdoor party with all your friends, listening to live music (the band was hopping!) and feasting. 

My kind of celebration.

Muffuletta and potato salad -- YES.

We all stopped for a visit/drink at my brother-in-laws work, wherein my mother ordered a beer and Jay gifted her with that gem. I wish you could have seen her face. Priceless.

She emptied her glass -- if you've met my mother the lightweight, this was a feat.

The cutest.

Nothing taste better than when your mother/in law cooks.

Mark rallied the family for a day of kayaking and picnicking. Wonderful idea in theory, save for my less than stellar foray into kayaking last year.

Jaleesa and I partnered, no pressure. She'd never kayaked before so it was my life goal to keep us both alive.  She was a rockstar.

I was a nervous wreck.

Hi Rex!

Angie and Charlie made the trip to Princeton to hang out with us -- they are the best.

I thought they were nuts for this, but they ended up passing our kayak, a few times. Age is just a number my friends.

Mark was in heaven and he was right (this time), kayaking on a practically still lake is far different than in the sea.

Best part about a small town holiday? There is no bad seat for fireworks (or traffic going home), and I must say they were impressive!

Big thanks to Charlie's head -- I took about a hundred photos during fireworks, I love the shadows and color.

No visit is complete without a celebration -- forty four years of marriage deserves a parade, CONGRATS Rex and Deb!


Working on My Fitness: September


Monday Musings