Year Twenty Nine

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Trying To Conceive (a baby): What We Learned

When we decided to start a family I met with my Obstetrician for a preconception visit  -- the biggest questions being the task of transitioning from pregnancy prevention to conception. It  was the perfect opportunity to educate myself on what steps I needed to take to be in the best position to carry a child, ensure my current OB was the one I wanted to stay with, and field my/our questions. She provided guidance on transitioning off the pill, beginning to take Prenatal Vitamins (I tried these initially) and Folic Acid, conception, and discussed my current lifestyle habits (mainly if I could continue working out as I was accustomed) and any concerns (she had none).

The methods with which we utilized while family planning came with a bit (ok, a lot) of leg work on my end.  I already  tracked my periods  (with the  FREE version ) which was a start  -- we were both under the naive misconception that simply ceasing all forms of birth control would do it (it didn't for us), so as the months ticked by I researched more and got to a place where I understood when I was ovulating ( after my period returned ), pinpointing my body's exact fertile window.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility (found via an incredible running/fertility podcast) was bar none, the best book I have ever read (my husband even read some of it) with regards to anatomy, reproductive health and conception. I read it from cover to cover and cannot recommend it enough for any woman as a wonderful tool to understand your body. It also gives incredible in depth methods in recording not only your period (I bought a basal thermometer then found out I was pregnant so it hasn't been used yet), but ovulation and the like to find a pattern within your own cycle.

I thumbed through a few other books, but none held a candle to Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

Ovulation Test Strips a friend gave us some, and along with tiny disposable cups I kept track of my ovulation each month in dizzying detail.

Initially I tried ClearBlue pregnancy tests, but after spending upwards of $30 on a two pack, I found the pregnancy tests made by the same manufacturer as the ovulation test strips.

Have you ever read any books on the female anatomy?