Monday Musings

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  1. The latest installment in Sophie Kinsella's, Shopaholic series, debuts in the US October 27th!
  2. Cake calendar, its the cutest.
  3. On wearing make up and being yourself.
  4. Mansions in the city. I could get used to that kinda life.
  5. Married amidst the Chicago Marathon they ran too! How neat.
  6. Totally intrigued with this mac and cheese redux. I'll keep you posted.
  7. Contemplating purchasing this or this. How neat would it have a hanging map of all our travels? Way cool.
  8. Thoughtful post on loving your imperfect home.
  9. Five years later and the truth about this massive battle on The Hills is finally out.
  10. DWTS, week 4: Hayes, Bindi, Nick. Week 5: Tamar, Hayes, Alek, Bindi, Alexa, Andy, Nick.

Everyday, Ordinaire


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