Year Twenty Nine

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Class Pass: the review

Variety, its the spice of life. 

If you'd told me three months ago I'd be arranging my day around 5a sweat sessions (without protest!) would be my new normal I'd -- roll over and hit the snooze button. Twice.

 Thank heavens for Class Pass.

Twenty nine days, nineteen classes.

In case you are wondering, that is in addition to working full time, running a household, training for a half marathon and life. Say it with me -- prioritize + organization. The times where I'd find myself horizontal on the couch were traded for fitness, and to date, nary a regret. Let's face it, I can watch TV whilst on the treadmill and utilize my waking hours more efficiently. Since I prefer am sweat sessions, evenings hold a bit more structure -- household chores are broken into small tasks each day to allow time to enjoy quality time with my family, prepare my bags for the next day, get in my training runs and going to bed at a reasonable time. Its far from perfect or easy, but it works. 


A snapshot of my "day" looks like this:

4:30a alarm
5:30a class (I only chose studios with showers for work days)
7:30a work
4:30p drive home/errands
5:30p prepare/eat dinner, make food bag for next day (breakfast, snacks x2, lunch)
7p household chores, family time, pack bags for the next day
9p bedtime (TV/read before bed)
10p lights out

Obviously, the times adjust if class is at 6a, but with a 5:30/6a class (for me) it allows for enough sleep and I can get to work early/on time.  5a classes are out of the question, I tried.  That extra thirty minutes of slumber is priceless .

Food bag -- since I go straight to work from class, I pack breakfast, along with lunch and plenty of snacks for the day. I meal prep on Sundays (my rest day) to ease the burden.


Class Pass proves, over and over again to stand the test of the particular and streamlines the process so well it literally takes the tap of a button. Once a class is scheduled, you get an email reminder (and the option to add it to your calendar) denoting location, time, when to arrive, and what to wear. Class cancelled due? Fear not, shoot them an email (and/or chat with the studio) and they fix it before you click "send".

Praise? I cannot sing enough.


My (first) month with Class Pass:

2/2 Rest
2/3 Shred 415 (counting the 2.5 miles as my speed work)  + Candlelight Vinyasa Yoga
2/4 Long and Lean +  (Zumba cancelled due to inclement weather) + Tempo run (5 mi.)
2/5 Hot Yoga + Long run (9 mi.)
2/6-2/11 Honeymoon (one 2.6 mi. run and quick HIIT session in the hotel gym)
2/12 Y6 Sculpt + Belly Dancing + Easy Run (5 mi.)
2/13 Hybrid TRX + Easy Run (2 mi.)
2/14 Hot Yoga (w/ my valentine) + Long Run (8 mi.)
2/15 Rest
2/16 (Barre cancelled due to inclement weather) + Easy Run (2 mi.)
2/17 Shred 415 ( 2.44 miles)
2/18 The Dailey Method + Pilates
2/19 Surfset + Long Run (10 mi.)
2/20 Rest
2/21 Day of Dance (w/ mom) + Tempo Run (5 mi.)
2/22 Shred 415 (w/ Mark  -- 2.45 mi.)
2/23 The Dailey Method
2/24 Shred 415 (1.93 mi.)
2/25 Rest (tweaked my quad a bit, so took two full days off)
2/26 Rest
2/27 Hybrid TRX
2/28 Run (8 mi.) + Yoga (not class pass, with a friend)
3/1 Rest
3/2 Hybrid Athlete
3/3 Hot Yoga
3/4 Dailey Method


It didn't take long to find favorites (Shred415, Dailey Method, Hot Yoga), and each studio has been nothing short of welcoming and warm. I've even began meeting fellow class pass(ers) which brings the studio exploring level closer to home, where you recognize a kind face, and lament over burpees. 

Price: $79/month -- I won't lie, there was sticker shock.  Till I took one class that has a $30 fee (per class) and realized what a fantastic deal it is for unlimited classes! Granted, my Starbucks budget took a slight backseat, but feeling strong, confident and taking those extra glances in the mirror admiring your progress is worth it. 

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