Hummingbird Cake

Hummingbird Cake via Bakerella

After I made Hummingbird Muffins from the Runners World cookbook I was hooked.  Naturally I had to bake this beauty.

Full disclosure: my first attempt (see above) resulted in a crumbly mess. Delicious, crumbly mess, but mess nonetheless.  I blame my in ability to leave things alone for my cake collapsing onto the plate.  Had I let it cool, instead of standing over it salivating it probably would have kept its shape.  

Lesson, learned.

Despite the collapse, the cake was moist, rich and -- drool. For those counting, there are three, decadent layers of cake, separated by home made cream cheese frosting. Yes, it tastes as heavenly as it sounds. And more. 

Frosting the sides conceals the madness.  No one will ever know.

Lucky enough, my family loved it so much, my uncle wanted one for his birthday as well.

This time, I cut parchment paper for the bottoms of the cake pans and sprayed them (with coconut oil), just to be sure. 


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