Year Twenty Nine

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Sweat, Rawhide, And Stellar Customer Service

After fighting like Tyson yesterday I went home and hit the treadmill for a tempo run. But first, occupy the hounds. They get into quite a bit of mischief if they think they have free range of the house. Thank goodness for rawhide.

I swear I have one non-blurry photo of Rubin.  She's lightning fast that one.

We leave for our honeymoon tomorrow(!) so I've been bingeing on Class Pass to get my fix. And no, its not where we are going (yet) I checked :)

I ended up having time to squeeze in another class so I signed up for Zumba, finished my run and headed out the door.  It'd been snowing a bit that afternoon so I took it slow on the roads (turning was pretty slippery) and still made it on time.  Score. Sadly class was cancelled due to inclement weather so I was sad. Then I realized I had quite a few to do list items to check off before we leave, so I got over it, emailed Class Pass to let them know the class was cancelled (you get charged for missed classes) and by this morning (last night, I passed out by 10p) they had already emailed me and credited my account.  

That, is service my friends.

Once home I packed a bit more, made my breakfast/lunch/snacks for the day, laid out my gym clothes, packed my gym bag, and made a list of items I needed.  

Wading through the house in the dark at 5a is rough, so I made a list of stuff I manage to forget.

 See, sometimes I have good ideas...

This morning I went to Hot Yoga at Yoga Six. I'd been a few years back and really liked it, so returning was a treat.  Plus, hot yoga is my jam.  The instructor led a great class and the heat was just what my muscles needed after my tempo run the night before.  I forgot to ask about having my cell phone in class (there is a sign that says no phones) so I left it in my coat.  Next time I'll be sure to ask about having it on silent, I'm on call for work so having it near me is reassuring, but I totally understand and respect the rules wherever I am.

Post class I got ready for work in their locker room, which, is nicer than my bathroom at home -- thoughtfully decorated and appointed with items you may forget (I think there is a small fee for bath towels, but in a pinch is a lovely touch).  There are even dirty laundry bags!  I've been epically lazy this week and opted for Sweaty bands and no curling iron.  Pray this phase ends soon, There's something about curling my hair that makes me feel put together ya know?

Oh, the sitting area near the entrance is straight out of Architectural Digest right?! I wonder if they'll mind me showing up at random, sprawling out on the couch and reading.  I'd be super quiet, obviously. 

Well, off to dominate my day (the snow is melting, yay!), hope yours is wonderful too:)

Do YOU like hot yoga?

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