Year Twenty Nine

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For some, it comes so easily...

The only thing that comes to me naturally, is eating. So when I embarked upon the lofty goal to become a runner (having no experience and dodging it ALL my life), one knew it'd be met (like anything), with peaks and valleys.

Running a mile.

Then two.

Then, three -- now, half marathons (six and counting!) and baring no injuries, a full marathon this October.

Scratch that, I'm CLAIMING this -- I will run the Detroit Talmer Free Press full marathon on October 19, 2014 :)

Isn't it amazing how something that seemed insurmountable before, is actually attainable with grit and determination?!

God is SO good.

Usually after long runs I'm ten shades of sore with a side of ouch. So whilst I satisfy my runger with all the food, I pull on my favorite compression socks (or pants after a race)

Sometimes I even treat myself to a pedicure

Spending far too much time in my Uggs since I'm over the age of 13.

It's been almost a year since my tibial stress fracture and I'm just now starting to feel strong and confident again. Pushing harder feels incredible, with it, SORENESS.

Flannel. @PROCompression@VegaTeam recovery accelerator. Things are cray-zee over here. #RunnerProbs #vega
— Marcia Ginger (@MarciaElise) May 3, 2014

When you are training for a race -- or at all, for that matter, recovery is imperative. There is nothing (nothing!) worse than working out when you are still achy from the previous day. 

Lead legs anyone?

Vega has blown me away again (and again, and again) with their exquisite plant based products -- enter, Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator

Their newest campaign, Fuel Your Better speaks to all things that may be holding you back from your better. 

For me, hands down, its muscle soreness.

The video hit home, hard. Inflammation is natural, the best way to combat it -- strategic strengthening, proper warm up/cool down, and active recovery (stretching, foam rolling, compression) all yield to faster recovery.

Without fail, after a particularly hard run + cross training session I chugged Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator before bed, thinking nothing of it. To my disbelief, the usual achy/soreness I normally have was nonexistent. 

What the what?!?

Which made me giddy, throw on my gym clothes, and pound out some more mileage and cross train -- with NO soreness. Can the church say Amen!

My inner skeptic got served a heaping bowl of "I told you so", while my legs danced with glee and my taste buds rejoiced -- whomever thought of the tropical flavor, I'm naming my first born after you. 

And, one luck Y29 reader gets the chance to be transformed as well, thanks to the kind people at Vega + Fit Approach, I'm giving away a 12-pack of Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator for you to test out yourself. 

Leave a comment (on this post) telling me a goal you accomplished/working towards, and be sure to include your email address.

Contest is open until midnight May 18th -- winner will be announced Monday May 19th.

Good Luck!

*Y29 was sent a 12-pack of Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator to review as part of my partnership with Fit Approach (Sweat Pink).  The opinions, are my own -- always.

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