Monday Musings

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  1. Reminders -- I need to write this on my arm sometimes it seems
  2. Acceptably borderline-alcoholic, and other reasons to be a bee-with--an-itch. I'm totally 3, 4, 5 and 10
  3. Giggle worthy audio on siblings (thanks Jennifer!)
  4. Be still my Trader Joes loving heart -- #5, 7 only so far, I've got work to do
  5. A capsule collection to die for -- exquisite!
  6. This tip never gets old, especially this time of year, iced coffee anyone?
  7. Not one for camping, but this, I can do
  8. There can never be too many tips on how to take better photos, ever
  9. This looks so bad I have to watch

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What have I gotten myself into?!


For some, it comes so easily...