Life as of late: According to my iPhone (pt. 7)

Hi ho, hi ho, its the weekend!  Since returning from vacation/work  its been a tidal wave of fantastic things I've been very grateful to be apart of.  Oh boy, my cup overflows. 

Go! St. Louis

Have I mentioned how gosh darn excited I am for my first race (post injury)? Well I am. So if you're anywhere near downtown St. Louis Sunday am, be sure to swing by and say hello - I'll be the gal in the 5k with the stupid grin, and probably crying.  


First, some very important (and belated) business:

Two very sweet women nominated me for blog awards and I'm officially claiming them -- 

Elizabeth, from Rose Gold Buttercream nominated me for a Liebster. Lucky for us we just so happen to be birthday twins and Sweat Pink Ambassadors! I haven't met her IRL (yet), but I can tell she has the kindest Christian heart and some amazing arms! 

Thank You, Elizabeth!  

1. What's your soul-mate workout? Bikram/Hot Yoga. 

2. Do you follow a labeled lifestyle - paleo, vegan, etc?  I'd call myself semi-pescetarian.  Why or why not? I've gone veg a few times over the last few years, and each time its harder to incorporate meat back in, especially now with the fantastic veggie "meat" options that are super tasty!

3. Are you a group-ex person, or do you prefer solo workouts? A little of both. I usually run alone for the most part, but I an't get enough of Spin class at my local gym.

4. Does your significant other love fitness like you do?  I am definitely the fitness junkie in the relationship. Or, if you're single, how important to you is it that your future mate be into working out? (he hasn't put a ring on it so I'm answering this one too) It's important they hold basic nutrition and fitness goals, I find the mutual affection for nutrition/fitness goes a long way by way of meals, hobbies (i.e. running, biking) and the like.

5. Ice cream or fro-yo? Fro yo. Cuz it is "less" bad for you, thus I can consume more :)

6. What movie could you watch over and over? Jurassic Park (any). It reminds me of family movie nights.

7. Morning person or night-owl? Neither. My ideal day would be to rise when the Lord tells me, and I usually start shutting down around 9. !0 on a good day. 

8. If your friends used one word to describe you, what would it be? OCD

9. Have you ever done or would you ever do a mud run? No and heck no. Unless Channing Tatum or David Beckham are the prizes :)

10. What did you study in school?  I have my undergrad and graduate degree in business.  In undergrad I studied Spanish as my minor. Are you doing something with it now? Not with my MBA, but I'm working on that.

11. What do you want to be when you grow up? (that might sound silly, but as we get older, we still have new dreams!  What yours?) I would LOVE to use my MBA (see #10) in some way, have the flexibility to telecommute if possible, continue to travel, and interact with people. My "fun" goal would be to get my yoga certification and become a Bikram/Hot Yoga instructor.

* I was graciously nominated for this award earlier this year as well, see my nominations, here


Amie from Lassen & Company, is not just my sole sista, but we have been friends since ninth grade! 

Thanks Amie!

1. It's Friday night, what are you doing? Tonight I'm heading to Game 1 of the NLCS - Let's go Cards!

2. If you could meet one person (must be living) who would it be? Victoria Beckham: my fashion icon, part of my fave girl group and married to my man crush.

3. The house is on fire, what do you save first? My hounds, Miles and Rubin

4. What do you love most about fall? Bon fires, smores, and the crisp weather. I LOVE sleeping with the windows open, there is nothing better than waking up to a brand new day all toasty under your covers with a brisk breeze wafting in from outside.

5. Who is a person who inspires you? My mom, she's kinda of a big deal :)

6. Favorite thing to do to relax and unwind? Depends on my mood, but my go-to's are: nap, hot tea or a glass of wine, running, yoga, and cooking. 

7. Your dream vacation destination? Africa. I'm dying to see every scape from Mt. Kilimanjaro, Morocco, the Congo (mountain gorilla expedition), and everything in between.

8. Indulge, what's your favorite dessert? I don't discriminate, I love all desserts ;)

9. What is the number one thing on your bucket list? Marriage and children

10. What is your biggest fear? (irrational) Bugs. All shapes, sizes, and types. 

I hereby nominate Lisa from Two Martinis. Besides writing-style envy, she always has such quality content in her posts and I love how relate-able she is.  From relationships to making the best of her time being "fun-employed", her genuine heart really shines through on her blog. 

Congrats Lisa! Here are my questions for you: 

1. What inspired you to begin blogging?
2. What is your fondest memory of your childhood?
3. Favorite means of social media (if any), and why?
4. Who is your dopplehanger?
5. What is your #1 guilty pleasure?
6. Tell me a secret :)
7. If you could create a holiday, when would it be and what would it signify/celebrate?
8. What book could you read over and over? Paperback or electronic? 
9. What is your biggest fear (rational or irrational)?
10. Make-up or au natural? 

Here are the rules:

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
4. Nominate a bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they've been nominated


Liking the new iOS 7? After a few technical difficulties (my own darn fault), I'm digging it. 


I mentioned before my latest shopping obsession: Stitch Fix

Aztec Top - loved the tail in the back

Adore the polka dot top (purchased)

Super luscious fabric - love the yellow

Cute color blocking detail and lace upper dress

Rich blue top and sassy statement necklace

Go printed, or go home

Lace LBD anyone?

Simple, yet fun (purchased)

Fierce leather leggings, uber cozy striped sweater (purchased the sweater)

Me-ow leggings

Chevron dress madness

Boho chic dress

Leather lattice dress (purchased)

Each item (five total in each box) comes with styling tips and info about the designer. My favorite aspect is giving feedback to the stylist, each month gets better and better. I can't wait for Fix #4 :)

To get your own Stitch Fix, check out my button -------------------------------->


How freaking awesome are the Pro Compression Sock of the Month? I'm literally ordering and typing this as we speak. #keepittight

Go get yourself some, enter coupon code OCT at checkout

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Monday Musings


Life As Of Late: According to My iPhone (pt. 6)