Life As Of Late: According To My iPhone (pt. 5)

Gosh. It's Tuesday and I'm finally re-acclimating to reality. Which means catching up on all my fave daily blogs like its my job. Priorities.

My apologies for comment bombing. #sorrynotsorry

- first -

Follow up with the ortho (more on my injury, here) - verdict? Full release. 

Fun story: so while at the ortho I had to take off my shoe and hop like last time, where he saw my taped tootsies and inquired. The awkward (for me) exchange went a little something like this:

Dr: "what happened to your foot?"
Me: "I broke my toe trying not to get the boot wet"
Dr: "That was weeks ago, right?"
Me: "Yep, the day after I got the boot"
Dr: "Yeah, the bone is set by now."
Me: "Oh."(I didn't dare tell him I was too cheap to pay the ER to buddy tape my toe and couldn't find a definitive answer regarding bone healing on the internet)
Dr: "If the tape makes you feel better, go for it."

And scene. Add that to my giant repetoire of embarrassing moments.

After my appointment (six weeks prior) I cancelled the remainder of my (long distance) race calendar for 2013 (saying goodbye to my first full in December) before I ended back on the injured list, again. So now, a fresh start. Reintroducing my body back into running, building my baseline back up, making overall fitness a priority (see here for more info), strengthening my hips and core.

Game plan for the next six weeks

- second -

Yoga under The Arch

(via Instagram)

The first hour (of two) was entertaining till there was more "yoga dancing" and less actual yoga.  So we left and had pancakes

Regardless, it was a blast (per usual) spending quality time with J. And going face first into a stack of pancakes.

- third

Five days of Bistro MD (via coupon from a recent Klutchclub box)

The shipment came in a giant styrofoam crate filled with dry ice

Included was my menu for the week 

Each meal was packaged complete with nutrition info

I made a conscious effort not to alter any of the dishes or add anything to get the full experience. While not every dish was a win in my books, I definitely appreciated the ideas behind each dish, and took away some new ways to prepare meals.

Moroccan Chicken: Hearty and satisfying 

Roasted Salmon: Sauce was not for me, added a bit of sea salt on the fish instead

Strawberry Shortcake Crepes + Chicken Sausage: FAVORITE meal. 

Curried Chicken with Couscous: Tasty dish, great flavors

Stuffed French Toast with Turkey Sausage: Bread was hard. Filling was tasty and the jam topping was super yummy. 

Five Spiced Chicken Breast: Colorful, veg filled meal. Sauce was not for me.

Blackened Tilapia with Roasted Pepper Sauce: One of my favorite meals

Almond Crusted Tilapia: Great fish, had to add a little sea salt for flavor though

Chicken Marsala with Cauliflower Mash: enjoyed everything save for the sprouts. The flavoring was more sour than savory.  

Verdict: While I enjoyed doing zero meal prep for five days, exploring new ways to enjoy food, and no dishes to wash (I was too lazy to plate my meals on china like they recommended), to continue this each week, or even at full price for that matter would be both expensive and I may be less happy with my meals had I shelled out the extra dolla dolla bills.

- four

Ab Challenge: attempted this challenge. Made it two weeks and pulled the pin.  Not for me. #tracyandersonforlife #plankitout

- five

I got a sample of Algenist months ago and finally embarked on their ten day challenge. 

Considering my advanced age, short hair needs to locate the fountain of youth, ASAP. In the meantime, I'll try this and will my skin to firm and tighten.

Biotechnology from San Francisco, the Concentrated Reconstructing Serum is said to visibly rebuild skin firmness while restoring density and elasticity. 

- six -

I'm running the GO! STL Halloween 5k this Sunday. Because I'm smart learn things the hard way I'm bumping down from the half mary, cuz ain't nobody got time to go back on the injured list. Crazy as it sounds coming out of my "register-for-the-longest-race-distance-and-get-your-moneys-worth" mouth and the fact I'm "donating" (read: no refunds) the cost difference I'm stoked to be back running, and complete this race. Distance at this point is moot. I'm going to savor every moment of that 3.1 miles darn it.

Have you ever tried mail delivery food service?

Anyone else running GO! STL this weekend (10/13/13)? If so I'd love to meet up/cheer you on!

Email me

Life As Of Late: According to My iPhone (pt. 6)


Monday Musings