Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

How I managed to awake with enough time to prep my juices and still be semi on time for work baffles me, but it happened.  Boom.

Juice. Rinse. Repeat.

Here are the dirty deets of day numero dos:

Hot Water with Lemon
English Breakfast Tea
Blueberry + Spinach + Apple + Lemon (9:50 a.m.)
Greens with Apple - minus Kale (12:20 p.m.)
Pineapple Mint (3:30 p.m.)
Spinach + Carrot + Pineapple + Cilantro + Lime (6:15 p.m.)
Raw Chocolate Milk (8:30 p.m.)


I hit up Schnucks on my way home and found Kale and Mint. Sort of. They didn't/don't carry it in bulk - fill -your - own -bag - and -save - money - and - the - environment , so out of desperation and no patience to go to another store, settled for a bag of Kale and a Lemonade Kit. Why? Because they were out of Mint. OUT! I must have looked absolutely devastated (I did, and almost cried), because the produce man suggested I try a Lemonade Kit, "because it had quite a bit of mint inside, but it's $3.99". At that point he could have sold me mint essence for $100 bucks and I would've bought it - SOLD.  

God bless that man, it has tons of Mint!  And quite a bit of other fresh herbs - #winning.


Juice Count: 3 Green, 1 Fruit, 1 Nut Milk

Workout: Rest Day

Mood: Moments of extreme frustration, followed by serenity. I think the cleanse is making me bipolar. 

Cravings: None. Though I quite enjoyed the contact high of fresh brewed coffee.

Hunger: Slight hunger on the way home, but that was poor planning on my part not to have another juice on hand for exceptions (traffic, errands, etc)

Skin: Sunburn from the weekend, and a weird discoloration on my left cheek.  All pre -cleanse #99problems, because I refuse to wear sunscreen when I run.  And keep forgetting to buy some at the store.

Aches, Pains: After my milk I got rolling waves of nausea and a slight headache

Sleep: EXHAUTED.  But the heat index is over 100. I was tucked in bed by 8:30 - last time I saw the clock was 9:45ish. Yes, indeed my dreams were sweet

Day #2 - COMPLETE!

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