Run Tunes

No matter the day, week, or month I'm having, once I plug Yurbuds into my iPod the world transforms - and all the stress, frustration, and anger melt away. Let's face it, life is TOUGH. So when I get the opportunity to run the FIRST thing I grab is my music. Which, in hindsight is reckless and dangerous, mace or my ID should be priority  - but whatever. Give me my tunes, or give me death.  Wait, I'm too young to die, there is so much wine in the world and not enough time for me to drink it. Sweet baby Jesus, don't take me away yet. I haven't seen my abs since 96', and they need a comeback before my departure from this great world.

I digress.

Regardless how careful my selection process is, these ten songs end up on ALL my running playlists. Without fail.  Ranging in intensity I always consider songs for: recovery, push yourself to the limit, and religious/inspirational.  It takes a village of good music to move me.  

I only download "radio edit" versions to so protect your ears if you're SEN-SI-TIVE (or prude like ME).  Some of these videos are...EXPLICIT in language. 

 1.) "Thrift Shop"

2.) "Goin In"

3.) "2 Reasons"

4.) "Sweet Disposition"
(Reminds me of M)

5.) "Ni**as in Paris"
(The title makes me cringe, but the song ROCKS)

6.) "Pass Out"

7.) "U Don't Like Me"
(or pretty much EVERY song on the "Step Up" Soundtracks)

8.) "I Just Wanna Say"
(My FAVORITE Christian song!)

9.) "It's Your Life"
(Lauren sent this to us when we first began training for St. Jude last year. I think of her and cry every. time.)

10.) Bellas Finals Routine
(pretty much the ENTIRE "Pitch Perfect" Soundtrack)

What are your favorite workout tunes?

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