Cuckoo for Cocoa

March box faves:
  • Corazonas Oatmeal Square - hearty, just sweet enough, and delish. Popped in my purse for a great snack without having to guess on it being healthy.
  • Juice Beauty Hydrating Mist - The mist bottle is GENIUS. No need for a cotton ball.  Smells fantastic, didn't dry out my face.  Tip: cover your lips, pretty sure I didn't need to taste it. #imanidiot
  • Skinny Pop  Popcorn - I'm ALWAYS leary when a package says "100 calories a bag".  Immediately I assume I'll be hungry, and upset I'm hungry in twenty minutes.  Boy was I wrong. The flavor both surprised and impressed me - thank goodness it came in a snack sized bag.  Or short hair would've gone APE...
  • Cocoa Via Daily Cocoa Supplement - add a packet to my plain java (along with 2 TBSP of Sugar in the Raw) and it was a "Mocha", with 1/3 the calories.  #winning. I also tried it in my steel cut oats one am - next time I'll try it WITH peanut butter, as opposed to INSTEAD.   
Stay tuned for a future post - I'm dying to test out the seaweed wrap and crystal deodorant.

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