Half Training: Week 5

10/21 - Rest  Day. You know, to recover mentally from "tick gate 2012".

10/22 - Run 2 miles hard: Hills on the treadmill - 22:20. Brutality.

Finally got to break in my new kicks (the HOT pink ones) - bought them after the hike, and we all know what happened after that so let's just move on...Shout out to Big River Running Company for being just plain awesome and helping this girl find the perfect "light, preferably pink" pair of shoes.

My idea of balance: Heels and Running shoes
1023 - Run 3 miles: 3.07 mi. around my neighborhood - 36:25

10/24 - Cross Train: I did zilch :(

10/25 - Run 3 miles: treadmill - 30:41

10/26 - Run 7 miles: (1:31:30) Got the "brilliant" idea to run my long run around my neighborhood, without pre planning.  It was a nightmare. Busy intersections, kept running in circles, the park didn't have a run path.  All things one "should" know before a 7 mile jaunt through the burbs. Even better? Rolling my ankle on the last half mile. Jilted me more than anything at first, pressed on and finished up. By the time I showered my foot was throbbing. Saturday, stairs brought tears to my eyes, my left knee was throbbing, shooting pain down my leg, and awful foot pain. PARTY. Thankfully I put my vanity on the back burner and rocked my Uggs, hard till Monday.

10/27 - RR 3 miles: treadmill (33:51). Knee and leg pain subsided so I decided to try my RR on the treadmill. No pain while running, tender and sore before/after, but loads better than Saturday. The "roll" never got to the point of anything other than elevation and flat shoes, praise God.

Week 5 - complete!

Favorites: Chick Flicks


Half Training: Week 4