Favorites: Chick Flicks

This girl loves a good movie. Heck, as my friend Ginger always says, "if you got snacks and wine, I'm there".   A self professed "hopeless romantic" I cannot get enough of love stories - if it has the word "love" in the script I "need" to see it. Here are my top ten favorites (in no particular order) along with reason why I adore them. Cuz you are dying to hear my opinion, obviously...

1. Pretty Woman

Favorite Line: "Oh great you're calling the cops. Tell them I said hi."

Reason I Adore: Memories of family movie night (don't judge, we closed our eyes for the "adult scenes") dance in my head. As my moms favorite movie we watched this so much we had to replace the VHS (yes, VHS beeyotches). More than once.  

2. Clueless

Favorite Line: "You try driving in platforms."

Reason I Adore: I wanted Cher's closet and wardrobe. Hardcore. Plus this was right around the time I started to despise my private school uniform, but begged my mom to never send me back to public school again. Teenage mood swings folks...

3. 10 Things I Hate About You

Favorite Line: "You're asking me out? That's so cute! What's your name again?"

Reason I Adore: Classic 90's film. At least according to me.  Which is all the really matters. Duh.

4. The Wedding Planner 

Favorite Line: "You smell like sweet red plums and grilled cheese sandwiches."

Reasons I Adore: I love all things wedding. And Jennifer Lopez portrays an OCD wedding planner. Which I can relate too, since I self diagnosed myself with OCD age ago...

5. Only You 

Favorite Line: "Does it come with a soundtrack?"

Reasons I Adore: Favorite. Movie. Ever. Could watch over and over and STILL weep like a baby. And the reason I HAVE to see every inch of Italy. Yesterday.

6. The Sweetest Thing

Favorite Line: "How could you not know what a glory hole is?"

Reasons I Adore: Downright hilarious girls night flick. 

7. My Best Friends Wedding

Favorite Line: "He's got you on a pedestal and me in his arms."

Reasons I Adore: Julia Roberts + weddings. Sign. Me. Up.

8. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Favorite Line: "C'mon, blow. Nobody likes a Mr. Sniffles."

Reasons I Adore: Fabulously witty, and stars the hunky  slice of man delight, Matthew McConaughey. Nuff said.

9. The Cutting Edge

Favorite Line: "When we're through here, can we please teach it how to breathe with its mouth closed? "

Reasons I Adore: I wanted to be an ice skater, so bad I ice skated around our freshly waxed living room floor with socks and classical music blaring for years. So technically, I'm Michelle Kwan's biggest competition.  Triple Axle. Boom.

10. Sixteen Candles

Favorite Line: "Damn Mom, I've got my headgear on!"

Reasons I Adore: 80's John Hughes cult classic. Period. Besides, every girl wanted Jake Ryan for their sweet sixteen - you know you did, don't lie.

Once I started researching for my list I decided instantly a  movie night is in order. ASAP. And realized there are so many great films out there it is pretty darn tough to select only ten. 

What chick flicks do you think should have made the list?

What's your top ten?  C'mon, sharing is caring :)

Photo Diary: Michigan


Half Training: Week 5