Level 8: My Neck, My BACK...

I won't lie, it has been so long since my last bog post (forgive me blog readers for I CONTINUE to sin) that although I kept copious notes I have the faintest idea of Level 8. For real. I know I completed it, didn't die or particularly dislike it, but beyond that - nada.  So, in true foul mouthed fashion, below is my "recap" of level 8...

Participated in the Day of Dance with my mom and her friends.  St. Luke's Hospital hosts this FREE event and it's basically an assortment of cardio bound to make it a love day for all.  Zumba, Jazzersize, Bollywood, oh my! Located at the ever posh Ritz Carlton they catered to participants with fresh fruit, juice, yogurt and loads of yummy healthy nibbles.  By the end we were exhausted from shakin' our money makers and laughing with the incredible group of women that came.  Good day :)  If I haven't mentioned before, my mom has lost  MAH-JOR weight doing Zumba and eating better.  She is quite the sassy mamacita these days, SO proud of her - but if I have to go to one more store where she throws a temper tantrum because all the pants are "too big" and "all I want is a pair of pants", I may bring a flask.

Day of Dance (my mom  is on the top, far left) 
Got called out for work and it lasted all day (it goes without saying I didn't have back up snacks). But, instead of hauling it to the nearest fast food chain for crap food, I took my exhausted rear home and made brown rice cakes with peanut butter and jelly.  Bonus, God rewarded me when I got on the scale the next morning.

Mother Earth came for a visit and NO one was safe. In my defense it was an extension of the previous day o' hell - and even after delightful Greek dinner with my dear friend it was lights at before nine...

Finally found wrist weights!
Accountability partner is moving to Egypt - the country.  No, for real, she's moving to Egypt. No lies.  But, she has already informed me that my wake up call is in the afternoon her time - and I will still be getting wake up calls.  Granted the past few weeks we both have been lying to one another about being up, but we are totally turning over a new leaf once she gets settled.

Had a follow up with the Allergist - still a mystery.  Apparently antihistamines keep the crazy belly at bay so I am to take an allergy pill every am (Thank God - Benadryl could dope up a Clydesdale) and an appointment in six months.  Save for two bouts of crazy belly (before the follow up) I've been great.

Now, the reason for this blog title.  My dear friend and I went to Ram's Training Camp on March 11th.  Think Boot camp on steroids. It was all fun and games for the stretching.  Then it got REAL. I've never been yelled at so much for my planks in my life! It's evident that whatever I "thought" was a plank was the absolute opposite of what they wanted - every time. Shitballs. GIANT tire flipping (we opted outta this one and hid like mature adults), obstacle course, pull/push football sleigh...you name it they dragged our sorry sweaty asses through it.

Push/Pull Sleigh
Obstacle Course

Fast forward to the next day when we took my pooch for a stroll and we are both in AGONY.  Like lifting my legs in any way was excruciating   By the end of our 2 hour jaunt around Forest Park (my favorite place in STL) all three of us had seen enough nature.  Get home and about an hour later my world changed. Back began to tighten, adding to my already sore physique.  By 2 am I was screaming/bawling from pain.  Long story longer I pulled a muscle in my back (think bra clasp up), causing these awesome things called "spasms".  When people used to tell me they "threw" out their back I scoffed, who does that?  Oh, let me tell you I am a BELIEVER now. I can honestly attest through concussions, knee surgery, wisdom teeth, AND having my tonsils removed it is to date the most horrific pain I've ever been in. Needless to say my doctor totally knew I got injured working out and was quick to put a stop to it.  Loaded with Ibruprofen and Flexeril I was instructed NOT to do ANYTHING until my back felt better (more than 2 days was mentioned so I stopped listening- did she want me to blow up like a Macy's float, or worse flip out and harm someone from stress overload?!) and if I was still in chronic pain in a week I'd have to do PT. Long story longer I didn't listen, went to Bikram Yoga a week later and spent the entire weekend on my couch.  Fast forward to present day (just over a month later) and my back is WAY better than that first day, but it is nowhere near completely healed.  I went to opening day last week with all my girlfriends from college and danced (and drank) like there was no tomorrow.  It goes without saying I was on my couch - but only one day this time. I'm learning.

Went to New Orleans for St. Patrick's Day. ATE.

Graduate school is coming to an end. HALLELUJAH, can the church say "Amen"! However, trying to function at work, attempting to look like I've don't eat randomness and barely sleep, taking care of my pooch, place of residence, and the added cray cray of my capstone became too much...So off my pooch went for "summer vacation" at grandmas and workouts were abandoned - a slow burning death.  So after level 8 I decided to put all my focus on graduating.  Other than an odd mat or v abs, I got a month of unlimited Bikram Yoga and have been doing that so I'm not a complete slacker. Have I mentioned my capstone is kicking my ass???
My new Hot Yoga Shorts
Moral of the story - For the next 4 weeks my only life goal is to graduate, walk across the stage and get my diploma.  If a workout happens I'll savor the moment, meanwhile I'm trying to adjust my eating habits for my lack of exercise. Thankfully I recently purchased a juicer AND the book 3 Day Cleanse - there's totally a 3 day cleanse in my near future.  My mind and body NEED it.

Love & TAM,

Photo Diary: Coconut Green Smoothie


Photo Diary: Chia Seeds