Photo Diary: Chia Seeds

Attempting to branch out of my mindset of french fries and pints of Chubby Hubby Ben & Jerrys, I'm constantly venturing to find new, healthy recipes to add to my bag of food tricks.  Tonight this was my latest foray, Chia Seed Delight by Kimberly Synder (see "eat" tab for full recipe).  After finally finding chia seeds (Whole Foods - $7.99) that cost less than 15 bucks, I decided to cease the moment and just make it now before the recipe ended up in the ever expanding folder labeled, "recipes to try". Since this was an impromptu recipe test, I had to substitute the milk and powder.

All the ingredients ready to go...
This is actually crazy easy to prepare. measure into a bowl and let stand for 15 minutes then eat.  My kinda instant gratification :)

The finished product
I stuck mine in the fridge to set because my soymilk was unopened and room temperature.  The result was a chocolate hinted tapioca-like pudding.  I agree, it doesn't look appealing, but I can assure you it was both yummy AND filling. The recipe makes one serving, though I struggled to finish it (and it was my dinner!). Going forward, I can totally see myself whipping this up for a snack, as dessert, or even a meal!  Once I find the illusive cacao powder I'll use that, until then, ground chocolate will have to do.

Level 8: My Neck, My BACK...


Food makes me...sick?