Stay At Home Diaries: Halloween


This Halloween looked a bit different - in years past we’d gather at our friends home over a smorgasbord of nibbles and take the kids to a few houses on her incredibly themed and decorated block, the parental units with a cocktail in hand, kids mainlining candy with reckless abandon. With Halloween events cancelled this year due to the pandemic (and the fact we live 4k miles away), we opted for a small fete at home, just us. And while having a home based fiesta sans trick-or-treating won’t satiate them each year, it was a holiday for the memory books (i.e. this blog, because their baby books are only 1/3 complete).

Costume selection was a no brainier for our resident “volunteer” firefighters, and upon arrival added photos to their ID’s and gave life (aka batteries) to their bull horns. #regret

Leading up to the big day, a Halloween playlist was blasted on repeat (it is SO good!), went downtown in costume for ice cream with friends (perfect timing, as COVID restrictions changed literally the next day) and created coffee filter bats and cotton ball ghosts for decoration in art class (post on how home educating is going, coming soon(ish)).

On Halloween, the boys dressed up for errands plus the Farmers Market.

On the menu (nary an item containing nutritional value, much to their glee): popcorn, s’mores, mummy hot dogs/brats, rice krispie treats.

The treasure hunt (Pinterest win) was a hit, due in large part to new flashlights to guide their way. Plus the basket of their favorite treats at the end didn’t hurt. Our evening at home ended sprawled on the nugget watching Hotel Transylvania. All treats, no tricks.


It’s All Good


Photo Diary: San Diego