Bookshelf, of Late
Last Tang Standing - written by the author of Crazy Rich Asians (the series is incredible!). I rooted for this main character to find herself and felt deeply invested (read: late night binge reading). Couldn’t put it down.
Dear Ijawele - a feminists manifesto. Must. Read.
Sex and Vanity - another Kevin Kwan. His depiction of Capri interwoven throughout sent my wanderlust into overdrive.
Beach Read- such a fun read! Give me a beach setting and witty banter any day.
The Proposal - a slow but solid read.
At Home in the World - timely read for our family about the incredible around the world journey of a family of five with relatable triumphs and hard truths along the way.
It’s All Good - attempting to thwart lock-down cabin fever I cooked my way through this cookbook picking up more than a handful of new recipes. Read more, HERE.