MOre, Cowbell

Somehow, I thought it'd be a great idea to get in one last (training) half before my first full marathon, so one week post Women Rock 13.1 (also known as my Bachelorette weekend), I ran the MO Cowbell half marathon. 

I've completely lost my marbles.

Packet pick + Qdoba lunch date with Amie

The expo was efficient (despite long lines to get your bib) and had load of vendors, they even gave out cowbells.

Did you know the race was named after an SNL skit

Because my travel calendar has turned my organization a bit topsy-turvy, I glanced at the course map (turn-by-turn is even cooler) the week of, what is my problem?? Thankfully, there was only one "hill" around mile 11 or so, and my treadmill incline game had been on point so I didn't fret too much.

Race day it was pretty chilly/windy, and by the time I parked (Amie hid a spot for me, thanks girl!) and got to the porta potties -- the line was LONG. Learning a lesson from my bladder the week before I decided to stick out the line and use the restroom before the race, not during.  As luck would have it the race began while we were still in line, can't win them all...

We started about five minutes or so behind, and I'll be honest, the fact we weren't elbow to elbow like normal at the start was refreshing. That feeling of "oh crap I'm late" was another story. 

The course was fairly scenic and new to me because I don't get out that way much, it rained slightly once we got to New Town, but tapered off and it was fine. The hill was brutality, it just.kept.going. It wasn't as hard core as Hospital Hill, but that steady incline to the top definitely woke me up -- I'm fairly certain it was over a mile and a half of gradual incline. 


Crossed the finish line in 2:26:00  (results + photos, HERE)

Slacked on photography this go round, thank goodness for FREE race photos...

Amie and I dressed alike and didn't even plan it, great minds...

Her parents greeted us at the finish -- cheerleaders are the best.

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A few of my favorite things (September) edition


A Well Crafted (party) Playlist