Hospital, the torrential down pour, Hill

Can't leave town without baking first. Can't.

So I whipped up a batch of plantain bread (via Stuft Mama) while the hounds watched on creepily

1 Plantain, speckled

2 Eggs

Cinnamon to taste -- I super dig Trader Joes Cinnamon Sugar Grinder, and usually grind till my arm goes numb.

1/4 TSP Butter Extract

Blend together (I used my Vitamix. Easy Peasy)
Pour in to parchment lined cake pan
Bake at 375 for 30-45 minutes

Assemble into an epic road trip PB + J. Devour whilst driving.

We made 99 stops on our short-long journey to Kansas City, and when we saw Popeyes, it went unsaid what was for lunch. Can I get a biscuit?!

Once we arrived at the host hotel we checked in, and hit the expo for our bibs. Thankfully, the race Gods knew we were utterly unprepared and had a wall of bib numbers, along with post its and pens.  Genius.

Perused the vendors and got serious race envy. And a wish listing I went:

Kansas City Marathon
Ozark Greenway 50 miler (Springfield, MO)
Frisco RR Run 50 mile/50k/Marathon/Half (Springfield, MO)
7 Bridges Marathon (Chattanoga, TN)

What is it about race envy that makes you all "I wanna run a 50k?" Clearly I've lost my marbles. But the seed has been planted.  Goals. Gotta have em'.

After a little down time it was time for race, numero uno -- the 5k.

Gosh I love FREE race photos. Goofy face included. 

The 5k began without a hitch, weather was bearable for June, and it was evening (7p) so the sun wasn't beating down. This was a new to me race, and while it was a 5k, they spared no expense with the amount of hills. Thankfully my ancient iPod worked the entire time, I felt good, and gave it my all.  Which, is not as speedy as pre-injury Marcia, but let's not go down that rabbit hole of despair mmkay?  

I was far too busy making ridiculous faces for the photographers to hear Desiree and Scott screaming for me, then too disoriented once I stopped to remember where we were all meeting. It's hell getting old.

Female / 31

Finish Time
Finish Net31:22
Finish Gun32:21
LocationNet TimeClock TimePace
Finish31:2232:2110:05 /mi
Not a PR by any stretch, but I was happy with my effort considering I had a half marathon the next day and it was my first back-to-back race.

Amie and I finally got to met up with fellow blogger and sista from another mister, Desiree. Homegirl is the real deal. So easy going you feel like you've known one another for ages. She and her husband (he flew in just to see her, gah, so sweet!) invited us for Mexican -- they had us at "Mar-ga-rita". The food was great (white queso for the WIN), company even better, and by the time they dropped us off (yes, we went to dinner rocking our race gear and sweat, we're gansta like that) it was time for bed.

The next morning we rise, like any other race day at the crack of dawn, and notice its raining. No big, its still way early, it'll pass. Or so we thought.

Cut to us begrudgingly trudging downstairs to check out the situation -- by this point its 40 minutes to race time and storming. No bueno.

Long story longer, the race was delayed about 40 minutes or so, and began once the rain cleared much to our delight.  Let's just say the wait was -- brutality. Talk about a nutrition/mnetal jeti mind trick. Yowza.

Nevertheless we said a prayer, came up with post race meeting spot, and got our game faces on. 

Or so I thought. 

It RAINED the entire race. Poured. Not one to waste the half assed training I put forth I chucked this experience up to extreme sports (in my opinion), and made the best of it. 

It was wet. Everything. All of me. Shoes felt like they weighed ten pounds once they got water logged, thank God for my Pro Compression low socks and Band Aid friction block or my feet would have been toast. 

My effort was a solid 8. Careful on downhills not to wipe out, walking though aid stations, save for the mid hill one (seriously, who put that there?!), gels I don't remember at all. I do remember wondering why I packed two packs of Cliff shot bloks in my spi belt, tossing one about two miles in cuz the weight, on top of the rain weight, was chipping away at my soul.

Met some incredible people along the way. A woman on the UMKC hill who talked to me as we ascended. The kind, super encouraging woman through the residential area when I literally let the rain get me mentally.

For the little girl (see photo below) who, on the last (and worst hill) pep talked me to, up, and over it. And for the two female friends who coached me to sprint the final quarter mile. I literally fought back tears (as I am know thinking about it) because God sure knew I was struggling through and sent help. He is SO good.

I crossed the finish line with joy in my heart, and a smile on my face. 

That, is a win in my books.

Again, there was no PR, and I must admit it was a bit discouraging to get my time, but considering the training I put in (not alot of speed/tempo/hills), it is a lesson to get in more speed work #storyofmylife.

Hospital Hill Run - HALF MARATHON
Female / 31
Placed in Female 30-34

Net Time
Clock Time
Pace Between
6 MILe
10:55 /mi
11:08 /mi
10:59 /mi
12:46 /mi
11:27 /mi
9:00 /mi
11:25 /mi
10:02 /mi
11:20 /mi

After we found one another we trekked inside for a group photo with all or medals, then Amie and I headed off to have some lunch and, of course, shop. Duh.

Hit our favorite, Seasons 52 (like last year) for tortilla soup (to die for delicious!) and wine, then perused the plaza because miraculously the torrential downpour was gone and the day was clear and sun a shining. Figures.  On our way back to the hotel to relax I begged her to stop for Gelato, because hello, it is a necessity. 

Later that evening we met up with Desiree for dinner at Brio. Insert shenanigans. That's all I have to say about that without incriminating myself. Just know we had a blast. 

Moving on. Have you ever had their cheesecake?? 

BRIO's Famous Cheesecake

Rich and creamy cheesecake topped with caramelized sugar and creme anglaise

Well my name is Marcia and I live under a rock, thus never had tried this DIVINE confection. The bruleed crust on the outside may have me me pee a little. That good. 

Dear Desiree, I blame you for my new-found addiction. 

Then, per usual, I spent the next two days in compression pants like I was rocking the finest of fashions. Without a care in the world. 

-- the end --

Or not. As my first back-to-back race I thoroughly enjoyed double running, my rest was good, and though the turn around is fairly quick (5k is 7p, 13.1 is 7a), it was -- FUN.  At some point I'll stop playing childish games and actually train HARD and beat some previous PR's, but for now, I'm perfectly happy with my ordinary. And that's all that matter ya know?

And -- if you want to see all the dirty race deets, check them out: 5kHalf Marathon.   Additional totally embarrassing and borderline inappropriate race photos: 5k + 13.1.  go ahead, you can laugh, I look like a wet porn star having a grand mal. 

Ford models, I'm ever awaiting your call.

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Monday Musings