Monday Musings

- Making Oprah (flash mob/you get a car/Denni/Bernadette)
- My sentiments exactly.
- Unexpected joys of motherhood. File me under risk taker.
- Twenty thousand bones.
- On the mental load aka, "You should have asked".
- This song pulls on all my parental heart strings.
- How becoming a mother made me hate our dog(s).
- This is now on my grocery list.
- More new emojis.
- Witty play on Marie Kondo, and marriage.
also, this: After watching two seasons of my latest binge, The Good Wife on ipad, we got a Roku for our bedroom and relocated the Chromecast (not compatible with Amazon Prime) in the living room. Game changer. Trader Joe's mochi is on par with Whole Foods (for far less $$), I'm in love with our waffle maker and have dubbed Sunday for waffles. Let the recipe testing (goal: yeasted waffles) begin. On holiday our friends had these silicone pot holders and I ordered them as soon as we got home. The Great British Baking Show is back and constantly tempting me to turn on the oven, despite the heat/humidity of a midwest summer outside.