Monday Musings

- These Chicago airbnb's are definitely worth planning a trip around. For a Cubs game perhaps?
- One day I will tempt my gnat like attention span and bake this cake.
- Interview Hungry Runner Girl, Janae Baron. I volunteer to be her new best friend.
- Instagram (story) tips, not that I'll be tempting IG stories, anytime soon.
- The Hard Sell.
- On FOMO and social media.
- Surprise Me.
- Gang's all here: Cava, Prosecco, Champagne.
- Microsoft. Facebook. Alphabet. Amazon. Apple.
- Will & Grace!
also, this: On our last trip to Trader Joe's I picked up blueberry acai face scrub (smells incredible!) and mango tangerine candle, the candle is on par with my favorite high end brands for 1/3 the cost, SCORE.
DWTS: Semi-Finals: Normani (waltz/jazz), David (foxtrot/tango), Rashad, and Whitney/Artem's performance. Finals: I usually find the finales to be drawn out and filled with fluff but this year was so well done I watched the entire episode {part one/two}. I was a little surprised with the outcome, namely 2nd/3rd place -- bring on the new season in September!