Working On My Postpartum Fitness: April
This month marked the start of The Whole30 and some delightfully incredible weather round these parts making running in the park (I'm rocking one day a week as of late, progress!), walks to the library, and long leisurely family strolls.
1 2hr walk
2 rest
3 rest
4 Went out to the garage for my inaugural treadmill run (in its new home) and .10 into my warm up the belt tangled. Eff.
5 (60s each; R then L) 90' leg pulses + hamstring curls, hip up pulses w/ chest press + raised leg hip up pulses w/ bicep curls {via FFF tv}
6 rest
7 rest
8 rest
9 rest
10 rest
11 2 x 10 reps push ups, dips, cross kneed plank
12 rest
13 rest
14 Good Friday, indeed. 1:15hr run in my favorite park with my favorite tiny human.
15 rest
16 rest
17 rest
18 rest
19 Run Forest Park 3.34mi
20 rest
21 rest
22 rest
23 walk 1hr
24 rest
25 Barefoot Blonde abs (25 reps/30s plank) -- these SMOKED my core.
26 rest
27 run 2mi w/ ODP
28 rest
29 rest
30 25 reps single leg hip thrusts + hip thrusts {Barefoot Blonde abs}