Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

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Greetings from across the pond! If you're reading this we've braved a red eye with Owen in tow for a fourteen day holiday replete with old friends and some new-to-us locations. Follow along on our adventures abroad on Instagram -- my must eat list is pretty extensive (shocker) and I'm thoroughly excited to see (and eat!) all the things.
  1. Reminiscing about seeing Chuck Berry on a cozy basement stage a few years ago. 
  2. Desk dance party.
  3. Younger! Teachers!
  4. One of my favorite outlets.
  5. Flour types, decoded. 
  6. My ab separation just might go away thanks to this ab video.
  7. "Must go faster"
  8. Part terrified, part fascinated to see this: Mommy Dead And Dearest.
  9. We'll be travelling on Mother's Day, but I'm tucking this gem away for years to come. 
  10. A vegetarian spin on lox that may just win my heart.
also, this:  First, many (many!) thanks for all your recommendations on my  skincare  post, you guys are the best. Update: Origins Charcoal Mask is proving to be just right,  Dr. Brandt microdermabrasion is just ok, I can't wait to try Peter Thomas Roth pumpkin enzyme mask and this  rose toner  (such a steal!). Ap ple cider vinegar has been working WONDERS on my blemishes (I dab a bit on the spot and they magically disappear days later). Working my way through some samples and found Origins eye cream to be the loveliest under eye boost (dare I love it more than Algenist, I might), and have nothing but high praise for green tea under eye patches I bought on a whim. As for mascara, I'm working on a) applying correctly and not too much b) finding a favorite. This eyelash curler has been really helpful as well. Progress.

DWTS: Is anyone else still in shock Heather was voted off?! She was so fun to watch and you could tell she was really having a blast. Enough lamenting, on to my favorites. Week six: Normani, Rashad. I'm all about girl power, but(!) in team boy vs. team girl, the boys squeaked by with a win. Barely. Week 7: Simone, David, Normani.  Week 8: Rashad, Normani, David (he makes me cry each week); trio dance -- Rashad's trio was EPIC, Normani's was so happy and upbeat. Semi finals are next week!