Monday Musings

- Reminiscing about seeing Chuck Berry on a cozy basement stage a few years ago.
- Desk dance party.
- Younger! Teachers!
- One of my favorite outlets.
- Flour types, decoded.
- My ab separation just might go away thanks to this ab video.
- "Must go faster"
- Part terrified, part fascinated to see this: Mommy Dead And Dearest.
- We'll be travelling on Mother's Day, but I'm tucking this gem away for years to come.
- A vegetarian spin on lox that may just win my heart.
also, this: First, many (many!) thanks for all your recommendations on my skincare post, you guys are the best. Update: Origins Charcoal Mask is proving to be just right, Dr. Brandt microdermabrasion is just ok, I can't wait to try Peter Thomas Roth pumpkin enzyme mask and this rose toner (such a steal!). Apple cider vinegar has been working WONDERS on my blemishes (I dab a bit on the spot and they magically disappear days later). Working my way through some samples and found Origins eye cream to be the loveliest under eye boost (dare I love it more than Algenist, I might), and have nothing but high praise for green tea under eye patches I bought on a whim. As for mascara, I'm working on a) applying correctly and not too much b) finding a favorite. This eyelash curler has been really helpful as well. Progress.
DWTS: Is anyone else still in shock Heather was voted off?! She was so fun to watch and you could tell she was really having a blast. Enough lamenting, on to my favorites. Week six: Normani, Rashad. I'm all about girl power, but(!) in team boy vs. team girl, the boys squeaked by with a win. Barely. Week 7: Simone, David, Normani. Week 8: Rashad, Normani, David (he makes me cry each week); trio dance -- Rashad's trio was EPIC, Normani's was so happy and upbeat. Semi finals are next week!