Year Twenty Nine

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Working On My Postpartum Fitness: March

We relocated the treadmill from the nursery into the garage (and put up this awesome tent in its place!) and as I type, is still not in working order.  The belt got tangled during the move and is giving us fits so no treadmill life, for me. Yet. On a positive note, we ventured off to Vegas for a few days so I could attend the BSB concert and in a word it was, EPIC. I even stayed out till almost 1a before I stalked this poor cabbie until he took pity on me pacing his cab, barefoot, because stilettos are the devil.

Then, in a I-didn't-know-I was-sick turn of events I got SICK right before Owen's birthday and party which turned out to be Strep. I had no idea I could even get Strep because my tonsils were removed years ago. Spoiler alert, you can. Did I also mention I had strep for TEN DAYS without knowing it? Needless to say I got both my mom and Mark sick but thankfully Owen nor anyone at his party was affected.  I felt like such a schmuck!

1 rest

2 rest

3 rest

4 walk 40min

5 rest

6  rest

7  rest

8 walk 2.37mi + 20 single arm kb shldr press

9 20 push ups (knees)

10 walk the strip 6.37mi

11 walk the strip 5.84mi

12 walk Hoover Dam/strip 4mi

13 walk the strip 1.5

14 rest

15 rest

16 rest

17 rest

18 walk 3.65mi

19 rest; sore throat

20 rest; Owen birthday!/sick

21 rest; sick

22 rest

23 rest

24 rest

25 Owen 1st birthday party

26 rest

27 rest

28 rest

29 rest; sick

30 rest; sick

31 rest