Year Twenty Nine

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Working On My Postpartum Fitness: February

Figuring out how to reduce rest days is, a struggle. 

Semi-unrelated: this month's format is backwards because I attempted to log differently in my phone #fail.

27 rest

26 rest

25 rest: Mark birthday; bake cake!

24 rest

23 tam standing ab + cosmo abs

22 rest

21 tam express lower body

20 walk park, tam express abs + arms

19 rest

18 rest

17 rest: #pipergopolus! (see photo)

16 rest: travel home from PHX

15 hike 30 mins.

14 rest

13 hike wearing Owen (1.5 mi.) + 100 crunches

12 rest: travel to PHX

11 walk 3.86mi 

10 rest

9 rest

8 kb curtesy lunges/squat high pull/chest press 2 x 10 + Russian twists 2 x 20

7 rest; relocate treadmill from the nursery to make room for this adorable tent I ordered, yet failed to measure for. Side note: remind husband to re-assemble treadmill. Again. The fact it is unseasonable warm outside negating my argument, should not be considered.

6 business trip: rest

5 rest

4 walk 1.93mi TG park

3 bosu mt climbers (60s), alt push ups (20), glued bridges (20) x3

2 rest

1 run/walk FP + stairs 2.38mi