Year Twenty Nine

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Bookshelf, As of Late

Layered -- my sister recommended this to me for O's first birthday cake inspiration. The illustrations are lovely and the lemon cake is insanely decadent without excessive effort. Then again, any recipe that calls for you to make your own lemon curd is a winner in my book. Next up on my list: work on my frosting/icing game, its lacking, to put it mildly.

Molly on the Range -- have you ever read a cookbook cover-to-cover? I did and with good reason, Molly's prose leaps off the page and left me wanting to be her best friend and live on a farm. Her recipes are drool inducing, then again I've never been so inclined to recreate an adult lunchable and it has been my go-to lunch for a month and counting...

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys {podcast} -- I heard the podcast first and it was powerful. As the oldest of all girls, it was incredibly useful to have things spelled out. I found the podcast to be a thorough interpretation of the book (I skimmed it) in case you are short on free time.