Year Twenty Nine

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Bookshelf as of Late: New Parent Guide

We had precisely one trick up our new parent sleeves combined (wait for it... rocking) it has been nice to hit up the library/friends/family because -- when a newborn screams you'll stand on your head whistling dixie to make it stop.

Also, while we've read some, we thumb through most. Rest assured we aren't cozied up next to our imaginary fireplace sipping a glass of pinot noir reading at leisure with an infant, two dogs and a house that despite our best efforts, won't clean itself.

happiest baby on the block: a high school friend mentioned this book, specifically the 5 S's and while I only recall one, Mark uses them on the regular.

making more milk: reference for breastfeeding by the La Leche League (they are a wonderful resource, their facebook page is super helpful). Made a batch of the tea, which was really yummy! {breastfeeding}

wonder weeks (app): a easy peasy guide that sends you alerts each time your baby reaches a new developmental stage in summary format -- ain't nobody got time for a novel.

baby connect (app): where we log feedings, baths, diaper changes, milestones and the like. We each have it on our phone which is super helpful having one central log for Owen. My sister our nanny uses it too. Super handy resource for pediatrician visits -- there's a print option as well to take it one step further into OCD heaven.

baby led weaning: introducing food to Owen is upon us whether I'm ready or not, fairly concise guide for all things baby led weaning. Fret not, I'll tell you all about it once that time comes. Your welcome :)

here's the plan: definitive guide to navigating your career, pumping at work, maternity leave and pretty much everything related to being a working mother (and how to approach advancement, which I loved). Worth the read.