Year Twenty Nine

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Netflix and Maternity Leave

Knowing our life would slow down a bit as we transitioned into parenthood it was a no-brainer deciding to get Netflix once we completed the nursery and (most of) my over the top, explicitly detailed to-do list created in the throes of nesting. Somewhere my husband is rolling his eyes because the list was -- lengthy to say the least and I still maintain landscaping the yard should have been a priority. But I digress. We survived. Barely.

Breezed through the first five seasons of The Walking Dead, stopping only to give birth. Literally. The documentary, Virunga left me speechless and appalled -- and despite the unrest I would still love to visit the DRC one day. 

Next, I devoured all nine seasons of  Gilmore Girls and giddy can't begin to describe my elation for their Netflix revival. Owen already knows the theme song by heart. From there The Great British Baking Show captivated me (new season begins July 1st on PBS!), while House Hunters, Chopped, Tiny House Hunters and Tiny House Builders kept me company during sleepless nights, and the show Grace and Frankie became a midday staple. 

Suffice to say I thoroughly savored and enjoyed every last drop of my ten week (I wish it was longer/forever) maternity leave.  There is nothing(!) quite like snuggling with your baby as you get to know one another -- albeit you're covered in baby barf sans shower sipping on cold coffee with your non dominant hand. 

It was heaven.