Year Twenty Nine

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Owen: Month, One

I blinked and the first month flew by. That is a total lie. I blinked about ten times (total) and the month flew by because, no sleep. 

Biggest Milestone: Attending Ginger's wedding when you were two weeks old. 

Hardest Challenge: (for me) The inability to breastfeed exclusively due to low milk supply.

Most Memorable: Breastfeeding. You have an awesome latch and are most comfortable at the breast. 

Also, baby snuggles -- forever.

Favorite Photo:

Longest Stretch of Sleep: hahahaha! Not applicable. 


20 He's here! He's finally here! And, he's exquisite

21 Your lungs WORK. And despite every trick in our new parent arsenal we waved our white flag and called the nurse.  Upon your return the nurse commented you were -- an angel.

22 Home! The hounds are curious -- Rubin loves you and Miles is indifferent as predicted

23 My boy likes to party all night long...

24 I could snuggle you forever.

25 1st pediatrician visit and trip to Target. Nursed as we roamed the aisles.

26 Breastfeeding has proven to be a challenge-- c'mon boobs make more milk!

27 Happy Easter! Quiet day at home with our little family 

28 Today, you were circumcised. 

29 Only sadists schedule newborn appointments at 9a...

2 Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Kyle came for a visit!

3 Newborn photos

5 BBQ and babies: Having our friends over and meeting their little guy. We are fully functioning adults!

6 Baby's first play-date with Thomas + first diaper blow out

10 Daddy's last day of paternity leave -- those three weeks went by quickly, and were much(!) appreciated.

14 1st OT appointment -- hope mommy's boobs start working!

15 Two hours of errands with mommy and dinner out with cousin Kevin

16 First trip to Princeton