Year Twenty Nine

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Working On My Fitness: January

Struggle bus. 

Finding the harmony between being productive to prepare the nursery/work while on maternity leave/house has been harder than anticipated leaving me feeling less than stellar even though looking back and considering I'm toting around a watermelon, the month was far from a bust. I'm certain its part me trying to do too much and my body telling me to slow down, but alas -- hard lesson to learn.

1 Rest Day -- Work on nursery
2 Walk with family (2hr) + 100 Kettlebell Swings
3 Rest Day -- 1st Bradley Method Class
4 Fartleks (17:57) 1 mi.
5 Rest Day -- 28 Week Ultrasound
6 Prenatal Vinyasa + Walk 20 min.
7 Rest Day
8 Rest Day
9 Rest Day -- Hospital Tour
10 Rest Day
11 HIIT 30/10/8: Kettlebell Swings, Bosu Squats, Bosu Planks, Bosu Mountain Climbers
12 Intervals x 6 (walk run 2:1) 2.0 incline (20:00) 1.22mi.
13 Prenatal Vinyasa
14 Rest Day
15 Rest Day -- 3 Hour Glucose Test (I passed!) + Dinner Party 
16 Rest Day -- Travel: Springfield + Princeton
17 Rest Day -- Travel: return trip
18 Prenatal Yoga
19 Rest Day -- Restaurant Week (Ruth Chris), in a snowstorm
20 Prenatal Vinyasa (sick day)
21 Rest Day
22 Rest Day
23 Rest Day -- Restaurant Week (Cardwells) with friends + Infant CPR
24 Rest Day -- Stencil nursery
25 Rest Day -- Burns Night
26 2 rounds of Carrots and Cake Medicine Ball Workout 400m run = (3:43)(3:30)
27 Prenatal Vinyasa 
28 50 Kettlebell Swings
29 Rest Day
30 Rest Day -- Diaper Party!
31 Rest Day