Year Twenty Nine

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Oh Baby!: Our Baby Shower

Jaleesa, Angie and Ginger

My childhood friends Angie (9th grade!) and Ginger (7th grade!) went over the top showering Baby P with love. They held our baby shower at our home which was the best idea ever (full disclosure: the hounds popped open the baby gate while we were in childbirth class  that evening and re-decorated the main floor after we'd cleaned up, creeps).  Everyone got to see the progress in the nursery, my mom and little sister came over and helped clean the house from top to bottom (which was on my "Before Baby P to do list") and after all the guests left we moved all the gifts from the living room to the nursery for me to sort. 

Easy peasy.

Milk jugs filled with Strawberry Lemonade 

Mom and I 

Oh Baby!

Each gift came with a book instead of a card -- I am beside myself excited to read them in the glider with the baby.

Most creative (gift):

 Maryann: postpartum kit for me filled with all the things a gal needs after giving birth: chapstick, medicated tucks pads, undies and starbucks gift card, to name a few.

Mom: gift certificates: cleaning our house, home cooked meals and even date nights! Trust I tucked these away for safe keeping. 

"Sanitize before snuggles"

They catered from Whole Foods and everything was divine.

We played the game, "Pass the Prize", it reads like a poem -- winner got a spa box full of nifty girly things.


Will it be Bows or Bowties? Take your guess on our Belly Bets.