Chicken Pot Parmentier

My Paris Kitchen has proven, yet again to be an eternal gem -- decadent comfort food at its finest, and crucial now that winter temperatures have hit St. Louis.

I will admit that this recipe was a tad ambitious for me to tackle after work, but you could always prep the night before. 

And google how to peel pearl onions before you begin. I wasn't smart/patient enough to do so, but you're welcome nonetheless.

We used a rotisserie chicken from Sams (they are fantastic and perfect to use in so many ways). In hindsight I probably shouldn't have bought fifteen pounds of russet potatoes, but in the moment it felt right.  

Baked Potato anyone?

Try smoothing potatoes into an even layer without taste testing. It is impossible.

The recipe makes 6-8 servings. 

I even imported the recipe into MFP to get the nutrition info (My Fitness Pal: meginger).

Bon Apetit!

Everyday, Ordinaire: Week 1


Working On My Fitness: November