Everyday, Ordinaire

In case you missed it -- June. part one.

Where were we? Oh yes.

Business meeting in Chicago where flights are one billion dollars? Rent a cool car and drive. Dear Chrysler 200, making the gear a knob exactly like the radio knob was not a good idea.

Obligatory Freddie's stop.

My pal Angie lives in the suburbs, so I stayed at her place. Slumber party!

Went to dinner where we caught up over wine and this Grilled Artichoke? Dead.

Then, she force fed my Cheryl's Cookies

As pay back, I convinced her to workout with me before I headed into the city. 

Remember my recent obsession with Shack Shack? I found one and headed straight there after my meetings before heading home.

We won't mention the $11 I paid for parking. 

It was worth it.

Once home there was a quick turn around to unpack, repack and head back to Chicago for Angie's birthday. 

But first, my baby sister and I baked her birthday cake, I couldn't show up empty handed.

Stopped for retro snacks. Mark had never had a moon pie so we remedied that with the quickness.

This was a family favorite growing up. Totally should have bought the box...

Dinner and wine (so much wine) to celebrate the birthday gal.

Morning stroll along the riverwalk.

Feed me.

Off to the races!

Mark and I talked mad smack while training for this 5k. 

Spoiler alert: I won. #likeaboss

Have you ever heard of a cannoli cake?! It's as insanely good as it sounds.

The cutest daily inspiration from my favorite Shred415 teacher, Ann. She always gives out treats after class, she's the tops.

Taste testing should be my profession...

Soy egg, FAIL.

Rubin, despite her pitiful face, is not being tortured. She just really dislikes baths. 

Photo Diary: Chardonnay 5k

