
I've loved carbonara ever since my first bite when I was studying abroad in Europe. Since then I frequently order, but never deigned to tackle such a feat in my own kitchen. 

Until now.

Trader Joe's had these fresh pasta noodles so I knew it was fate.

Spaghetti Carbonara via Sweet Paul

From the bacon (so much bacon!) to the silky smooth texture of the trifecta that is egg, heavy cream and parmesan cheese it was heaven at first bite and I'm proud (not ashamed) to say we polished off the entire pan in one sitting. Like winners.

Save for crisping the bacon and shredding the cheese (did you know there are extra preservatives on pre-shredded cheese?!) this dish can be easily made on a weeknight.

Go ahead and shred a little extra for garnish, I won't tell. 

Bon Appetit!


The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up


Monday Musings