Working On My Fitness: May

While my attempt at a 30 day kettlebell challenge fizzled (due to PT visits), May was a solid month of revisiting old favorites, running a 5k and trying a few new-to-me classes.

1 Rest
2 75 Kettlebell Swings (KB Challenge)
3 Walk Hounds + PT exercises + 175 Kettlebell Swings
4 Hot Yoga + Physical Therapy
5 TRX Core + 50 KB swings
6 Dailey Method + PT/Astym + 125 KB swings
7 Rest
9 Rest
10 Rest
11 Dailey Method + PT/Astym
12 Hot Yoga
13 Yoga + PT/Astym
14 50 KB swings
16 Ferguson 5k
17 Rest
18 PT/Astym
19 Dailey Method
20 Rest
21 Shred + PT/Astym
22 Buti Yoga
23 Rest
24 Rest
25 Barre Method (similar to Dailey Method)
26 PT/Astym
27 Hot Yoga
28 PT/Astym
29 Rest
30 Shred: did you know when new instructors come on they offer FREE classes? Its the best.
31 Hot Yoga

Month: One, Two + Three

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Photo Diary: Nashville