Monday Musings

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  1. Period panties are a thing, and horrify me slightly less than a diva cup. Have you tried either?
  2. Curating the perfect care package.
  3. World Elephant Day. Dear Mark, I want to see baby elephants...
  4. Calorie Calculator, for Runners. Happy dance.
  5. Homeland returns in October!
  6. Tips for better brownies
  7. Quintessential BLT. I want one now.
  8. Instagram is finally thinking outside the square. Yippee.
  9. The new season of DWTS is almost here.
  10. I barely made it through AH: Coven without being permanently traumatized, there is no way I'm watching AH: Hotel. Are you?

Penny For My Thoughts: Bulu Box


Shake Shack