Ferguson Twilight Run

As I always say, "when your (non) runner friends suggest a race, sign up, now".  And that is just what I did. After all the unrest in Ferguson, these pals wanted to do something positive for the community, saw this 5k, and rallied the troops. 

Turns out the race is in its fourth year, and was not formed out of the tragedy there, but their hearts were in the right places.

I got the green light to run (not race) from my PT, so it was up to Meredith to bring home a win for the girls as Mark was talking MAJOR smack and even offered to buy all our drinks if either of us beat him.  My sensible side surfaced faster than my competitive nature, so I had no part in that mess and even started near, but separate from him so I would go crazy and hurt myself more.

Packet pick up and the start were steps from one another in downtown Ferguson which made getting our bibs a breeze on race day. Oh, and for those who asked, the socks they gave out are awesome, and Brooks.

Justin Barr Photography LLC: 20150516 Ferg Twilight Run &emdash;  Justin Barr Photography LLC: 20150516 Ferg Twilight Run &emdash;

Holy smokes was it humid.

This is suppose to be a "twilight run", i.e. not hot. Nope.

Thankfully there were moments of cool breeze and shade to give us reprieve.  The course ran through the business district and adorable neighborhoods. 

Did I mention it was also hilly?! 

I walked those monsters.

Sadly, Mark beat us both (he paced Meredith the entire time then sprinted to finish seconds before her), though I was technically not racing and injured so it doesn't count (he doesn't agree, shocker). 

Results: MeMarkMeredith.

Post race we had met our cheering section for drinks at Cork (such a neat space), then headed across the street to Ferguson Brewing Company for burgers, and beer.

Solid Saturday.

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Let's Get, Physical (Therapy)