Everyday, Ordinaire

May is not only shaping up to be EPIC, but insanely busy.  

Holy smokes.

Reading on the patio. That lasted about 20 minutes. Darn bees, they ruin everything.

Breakfast with my guy upon my return from Denver. Sopapillas, mandatory.

Was there honey drizzling down my wrists? Obviously.

He ordered the entire menu, covered in gravy. 


The extremely stressful life of a dog, as told by Rubin.

Teeny park, nestled in the city.  Hounds were unimpressed, but I dug it.

Baking up something delicious. Recipe soon.

Trying out a new neighborhood restaurant.


Working on recapping my last race (and PR!).  

Spoiler alert, it ends in injury. Again. 

Gluten Free bread. Arugula. Avocado.  Grilled cheese, done right.

Melty goodness.

Untaken vitamins, with a side of free socks.

My first 5k of the year is this Saturday. The plan is to run/walk. Gah, injuries are humbling. And maddening.

It also explains the excessive amounts of food/recipe/cookbook chatter. I can't sit still.

Mother's Day baking in the works.

Doing a thirty day kettle bell challenge,  and testing out one of the recipes. Not bad, next time I"ll sauté it longer then decide if its a keeper.

Dinner is served.

Because every two year old needs a Chanel. Cookie.

My efforts to spoil my new niece rotten, is working.

Sweet Potato Black Bean Burger on a pretzel bun. Amen.

Cora and Miles.

They do so well together -- he didn't eat nary a barbie, even when she dangled it in front of his face and placed him in hourly hug/choke holds while exclaiming, "I love him!".

Didn't live up to the hype.

Interpol concert. Where I stayed up far past my bedtime, on a "school night" (does anyone else still use this phrase despite being out of school?), then repeated the shenanigans and went to see TV on the Radio last night. 

It goes without saying that as I type I've been in bed for two hours with zero plans to get up. Ever.


Worlds largest blueberry muffin after getting my ass handed to me in PT. I earned every bite, and it was delicious. Whole Foods baked goods has my whole heart.

Lunch was redemption in the form of the entire salad bar from Whole Foods. I may have dumped bacon bits all over it. May have.

Patio cocktails.

Operation Lifesaver for my moms class. Loved the warm welcome, and being called "the train lady". Two year olds are hysterical. 

The much anticipated soft opening of Clementines. Yours truly consumed so many samples I had no room for dinner. No regrets.

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Monday Musings


Tuscan Soup