Monday Musings

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  1. If ever I wanted to be in band, it'd be during this performance.
  2. Sweet potato goodness. I want them all.
  3. Twelve weekend habits of highly successful people.
  4. FIERCE female: Elizabeth Holmes -- revolutionizing medicine and helping the needle phobics (me!) one prick at a time.
  5. Waiting, perched on the edge of my seat for this store to open.
  6. Must try this trick...
  7. I fall prey to this, every.single.time. Curses.
  8. Yes, Please by Amy Poehler. On my reading list, obviously.
  9. On properly timing your food 
  10. These photos --- my gawd
  11. Now I want to have breakfast in bed, everyday. 
TV: Marry Me is laugh-out-loud-till-you-pee funny.  I can totally relate to her meltdown (can't we all?) in the opening scene.  DWTS team "itsy bitsy" dance from last week was jump out of my seat awesome. 

What are you musing about this Monday?

Email me

Glute Involvement (Boot Camp -- Days 1-5)


I want lace, something with straps and no pouff